News & Events

Julie Nicoletti on Wellness and Nutrition

On November 12, students and faculty gathered in Smith Theater for a Health and Wellness Hall focused on nutrition, led by Julie Nicoletti, Boston Bruins nutritionist and founder of Kinetic Fuel. Ms. Nicoletti founded Kinetic Fuel in 2008 as a performance-based nutrition company focused on optimizing athletic performance, health, and well-being while reducing the risk […]

Stop, Block, and Talk: Internet Safety With the Experts

On January 5, Jackie Lamont and Erica Chepulis spoke to RL’s boys in a Hall focused on the potential risks and dangers of social media. Ms. Lamont is a representative of the Suffolk County District Attorney’s Office focused on the safety and well-being of young people online. Ms. Chepulis works in partnership with the DA’s […]

The How-Tos of Healthy Digital Engagement: Two Sessions With Dr. Jill Walsh

“People have strong opinions about what technology you should and shouldn’t use, about when and for how long,” began Dr. Jill Walsh in the Smith Theater. “Adults are confused, and so are kids, honestly. The information isn’t clear, and it often contradicts itself.” Dr. Walsh joined RL students and faculty for two Halls this fall—one […]

Hakeem Rahim Helps Eliminate the Mental Health Stigma

On October 21, Hakeem Rahim delivered a personal and important Hall about his struggle with mental health, and about eliminating the stigma related to those struggles. Mr. Rahim was the first African American male valedictorian in his high school’s history, and he graduated with honors from Harvard with a degree in psychology. He went on […]

One Love Helps RL Students Explore Healthy Relationships

On April 28, Roxbury Latin welcomed Claire Giampetroni, local representative of the national One Love organization, focused on educating young people about healthy and unhealthy relationships, empowering them to identify and avoid abuse and learn how to love better. The organization was founded in honor and in memory of Yeardley Love who—three weeks shy of […]

Byron Hurt, On Living Outside the (Masculinity) Box

On November 16, documentary filmmaker and anti-sexist activist Byron Hurt took to the Smith Theater stage, to continue this year’s Health and Wellness series focused on masculinity: what it means, how we experience it, and how it manifests itself within us and in society at large. Mr Hurt began with an interactive exercise depicting the […]

Alex Weber On Choosing A Life of Integrity

“At Roxbury Latin, as you know, we care not only about helping you develop your intellectual passions and pursuits, but also about helping you develop the tools to lead physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy lives,” began Headmaster Brennan in Hall on September 14. “Three years ago we launched a new program aimed at addressing—in formats […]