News & Events

The Tradition of Senior Speeches Continues

“As many of you have experienced, the English Department begins a sequence in public speaking during an RL boy’s Sixie year,” began Mr. Josh Cervas, Chair of the English Department, as the school gathered on January 23 for the first of three Senior Speeches Halls this year. As the boys continue their education, they build […]

A Look Back and A Look Ahead: Dr. Schaffer Opens the Winter Term

On January 6, students, faculty and staff gathered in Rousmaniere Hall to celebrate the opening of the winter term. After unified renditions of “Morning Has Broken” and “O God Our Help In Ages Past,” Mr. Cervas read the poem “For A New Beginning” by John O’Donohue, and Sam Seaton (I) recited a quotation from Albert […]

RL Hosts Dr. Nimah Mazaheri, 21st Annual Jarvis Lecture Speaker

Twenty years ago, Roxbury Latin began what has become one of its proudest traditions, the F. Washington Jarvis International Fund Lecture. The series of lectures is named for the man who for thirty years served as Roxbury Latin’s tenth Headmaster. The annual event has brought a variety of distinguished public servants and thinkers on foreign […]

Marlyn McGrath on Gratitude and Roxbury Latin

On November 22, students, faculty, staff, trustees, and other members of the Roxbury Latin community gathered for the school’s annual Thanksgiving Hall. This year, Marlyn McGrath delivered the holiday address. Ms. McGrath has been a member of the Roxbury Latin Board of Trustees since 2016 and spent 34 years serving as the Director of Admissions […]

Julie Nicoletti on Wellness and Nutrition

On November 12, students and faculty gathered in Smith Theater for a Health and Wellness Hall focused on nutrition, led by Julie Nicoletti, Boston Bruins nutritionist and founder of Kinetic Fuel. Ms. Nicoletti founded Kinetic Fuel in 2008 as a performance-based nutrition company focused on optimizing athletic performance, health, and well-being while reducing the risk […]

Lieutenant Paul Bodet ’12 on Unity, Community, and Service

On November 11, Head of School Dr. Sam Schaffer welcomed boys, faculty, staff, alumni, and guests to Rousmaniere Hall for RL’s annual Veterans Day Commemoration Hall. “The program today honors those veterans who are with us and also all those others who have served our country in peacetime and wartime over the past 250 years,” […]

Roxbury Latin Celebrates 380th Founder’s Day and the Big Dig

“O Roxbury, Old Roxbury, ever dear since the days of long ago!” The Founder’s Song rang out through Rousmaniere Hall on November 7, as the entire school joined together to celebrate the founding of Roxbury Latin, now in its 380th year. After several opening prayers in Hebrew, English, Greek, and Latin, led by selected Class […]

Dennis Kanin ’64 on Democracy and Presidential Elections

On October 29, Dennis Kanin, Class of 1964 and member of the Roxbury Latin Board of Trustees, delivered a Hall on the history of presidential elections in the United States, and on what we might look for in the days and weeks ahead as our nation elects its next president. Dennis spoke about the rationale […]

Author Jennifer De Leon on Storytelling as a Means of Connection

On September 26, students and faculty gathered in Smith Theater to hear from Jennifer De Leon, an award-winning author of young adult novels and nonfiction essay collections; a professor of creative writing; and the founder of Story Bridge, LLC, an organization that aims to bring together people from different experiences and backgrounds,  encouraging them to […]

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