Darian Reid ’05 Appointed Director of Community and Culture
During these summer months the faculty and staff at Roxbury Latin are focused on planning for the year ahead. In line with the school’s commitment to being a welcoming, inclusive, and supportive place for every student to learn and grow, Headmaster Kerry Brennan announced this month that Darian Reid—member of the Class of 2005, and a member of the faculty since 2010—has accepted the appointment to the new position of Director of Community and Culture. Mr. Reid has distinguished himself as an exemplary teacher, class master, coach, and advisor. He is well respected by his students and colleagues, and he brings an important perspective to this essential role. As a member of the school’s senior leadership team, he will lead the school in our ongoing efforts to know and love every boy; to acknowledge critical opportunities for evolving the curriculum so that all students recognize themselves within it; to provide professional development for all faculty and staff related to issues of racism, bias, and creating a truly inclusive school community; and to convene important discussions on topics of difference, equity, and justice. As we establish short-, medium-, and long-term goals related to this work, Mr. Reid will help us intentionally and explicitly expand upon the ways in which we support, in particular, Black students and all students of color, as well as LGBTQ+ students.
In this past month many members of the Roxbury Latin community—students, faculty, alumni, parents—have shared their perspectives, thoughts, and experiences that help inform this work. Those stories and insights have and will continue to be important contributions, to which the administration, faculty and staff are listening closely. Led by Mr. Reid and other members of the faculty, the school will pursue further opportunities for meaningful conversations as we move forward in this work. As Headmaster Brennan wrote recently to students, parents, and alumni, “I know that the only way we, together, can advance this critical work—of ensuring that Roxbury Latin is and feels like a welcoming home for every single student in our care—will be through productive conversation, to which we each bring openness, honesty, humility, and respect. We are committed to this work. We acknowledge that at times it will feel uncomfortable; at times the pace may feel unsatisfactory for some—too fast, or too slow; at times we will stumble, but we will keep moving forward. In the same way that we encourage our students to persist through difficult but worthy undertakings, we will model that commitment, and persistence. The goals are essential, and the rewards will be great.”
Led by Mr. Reid, members of the faculty are meeting weekly throughout the summer to discuss a prescribed list of books, articles, films, and podcasts, developed by experts on topics related to these issues.