Senior Lucas Zheng’s Award-Winning Essay Published in The Concord Review
Last year, Lucas Zheng won first place in the Senior Historical Paper category in the state round of the National History Day competition. His essay titled Treaty of Lausanne, on the Greco-Turkish War, moved through stages of advanced rounds in the competition, reviewed by History faculty members Tim Kelly and Chris Heaton. This fall, Lucas’s essay was published in the September issue of The Concord Review. Founded in 1987, the Review recognizes and publishes exemplary history essays by high school students throughout the English-speaking world. The Concord Review’s founding premise is that “the pursuit of academic excellence in secondary schools should be given the same attention as the pursuit of excellence in sports and other extracurricular activities, and that many students do exemplary work in history.”
As of the Fall 2018 issue, the Review has published 1,196 research papers from authors in forty-five states and forty countries. The Concord Review is the only quarterly journal in the world to publish the academic history papers of secondary students. Writing submissions are assessed by the Review’s National Writing Board against an independent academic expository writing standard endorsed by Harvard, Michigan, Princeton, Stanford, Virginia, Yale, and 33 other selective colleges and universities. The September issue of The Concord Review containing Lucas’s essay is available for purchase online.