Holiday Concerts Kick Off Winter Break

In Roxbury Latin tradition, on the day following mid-year exams—and before students and faculty depart for a well-deserved winter break—nearly half of the student body assembles to deliver a festive and joyful holiday concert honoring the celebrations and spirit of the season. On December 20 we were delighted to have Rousmaniere Hall filled with family and friends who joined in a happy evening of song to commence the vacation and close 2024.

Led by RL’s Director of Music Rob Opdycke the members of the Glee Club, the Latonics, and the Junior Chorus regaled audiences at 4:30 p.m. and again at 7:30 p.m. on Friday a snowy Friday night. The second concert was followed by refreshments and fellowship in the Bernstein Tea Room.

Watch the full video of Friday’s concert on RL’s YouTube page.

View a photo gallery of Friday’s concert on RL’s Flickr page.