Rain was no damper on Homecoming; soccer & x-c victorious
Homecoming and Family Day on Saturday, 14 October, brought crowds—despite the threat of damp weather. Alumni, students, and their families (as well as visiting teams and guests) enjoyed a barbecue lunch under the colonade of the Gordon Field House, while cheering varsity teams in contests throughout the afternoon. Both RL soccer (vs Tabor) and cross country (vs Belmont Hill) won; football (vs Nobles) was a close loss. At halftime, sixies and fifthies tested their mettle in the annual tug-of-war on Schoolhouse Field, with fifthies victorious.Prior to the barbecue and games, Admission Director Billy Quirk ’04 gave a presentation in the Evans Choral Room for alumni considering an independent school for their sons or daughters.See photos of the day here.