Estuary ecology in the field

The Class V boys traveled to Woods Hole Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) on Monday, 3 May, to visit one of the area estuaries and learn about the unique ecological importance of marine ecosystems. The excursion, part of their study of water systems in their Physical Science course and a spring term highlight, builds on their prior study of chemical compounds and the connection between chemical processes and the environment. The trip is supported by MBL.


Before the estuary visit, the group gathered in a classroom to learn about aquaculture (also known as fish or shellfish farming)—the breeding, rearing, and harvesting of plants and animals in all types of water environments including ponds, rivers, lakes, and the ocean. The class then boarded a research vessel and spent an hour at offshore, learning about ocean sampling and observing the sea floor via a live video feed from a camera attached to a bottom-trawling “sled.” Besides the obvious benefit to the boys of experiencing real-world laboratory and field research, it was a perfect day to be on the water.See photos here.