Kevin Zhu, RL Scholar at Eton
Eton House Master Michael Grenier contacted Headmaster Kerry Brennan to report on RL’s latest envoy, Kevin Zhu ’16, whose selection as a Roxbury Latin Scholar at Eton College provided him with a gap year at the school founded by Henry VI.
“Here’s Kevin in his Eton finery—it’s only 30 degrees (Celcius) at the moment so he’s enjoying that lovely feeling of black wool and humidity. He is an absolute delight to have around and a real credit to RL and his parents ….”
The Roxbury Latin Scholarship at Eton College, awarded annually to an RL graduating senior, was established in 2005 by Margarita and Jack Hennessy ’54. Past Scholars include Matt Wang RL ’05, Fernando Rodriguez-Villa RL ’06, Sam Klug ’07, Jake Connolly ’08, Brendan Hanrahan ’09, Michael Beam ’10, Michael Rosengard ’11, Collin Epstein ’13, and Sam Balthazard ’14.
Kevin will matriculate at Harvard in the fall of 2017 after his year in England.