Chess at Roxbury Latin is predominantly an independent activity. Any student may play any time he is free to do so, as sets are always available. For those interested in more formal competition, RL is a member of the South Shore Interscholastic Chess League (SSICL) which is a consortium of local private and public schools. Competitive chess is considered a winter activity in the SSICL. For the RL team there are typically eight matches during the season, and practices are held twice a week. RL players’ rankings are listed on an in-house live document (ladder) which is based on the outcomes of independently scheduled games. The top 5 to 7 players on the ladder compete in the SSICL matches. In some years there is also an individual tournament (Dempsey) at the end of the season.
辩论和公开演讲帮助男孩们学习沟通、说服、逻辑、批判性思维、研究、使用证据和独立思考的技能。罗克斯伯里拉丁学校的男孩们在他们自己之间以及与其他学校的学生在传统的辩论形式中进行竞争(例如。 俄勒冈州和议会)以及各种公共演讲活动(如例如。劝说性演讲、饭后演讲、即兴演讲、即兴演讲和口译阅读)。通过这些比赛,男孩们获得了在他人面前表演的自信,同时也体验到了竞争思想的冲突和相互作用所产生的兴奋和激动。
Roxbury Latin public speakers and debaters compete both regionally and internationally. Most New England tournaments are sanctioned by the Debating Association of New England Independent Schools, founded at Roxbury Latin in 1978. Canadian and overseas tournaments are coordinated by the International Independent Schools Public Speaking League, of which Roxbury Latin is a charter member. In 29 of the last 31 years, at least one Roxbury Latin boy has qualified for the World Individual Debate and Public Speaking Competition. Host schools in recent years are located in Germany, Botswana, England, Cyprus, South Africa, Australia, Lithuania, Canada, and Hong Kong. In 2023-2024, more than 60 boys in Classes I through IV were involved in debating and public speaking throughout the year. Roxbury Latin speakers and debaters entered 16 tournaments, winning many team and individual awards. Declamations—the dramatic public recitation of memorized passages of Greek and Latin—are presented annually by boys of every class on Exelauno Day, March 4th. The day’s name is a play on the word exelauno, the recurring verb (“march forth”) in Xenophon’s Anabasis. Boys compete before the entire school for the David Taggart Clark prizes in Greek and Latin declamation.
The Dramatics program, which involves approximately a third of Roxbury Latin students in some capacity, stages three faculty-directed productions each year. Some years also feature a student-directed production:
- Fall Play: Open to boys in Classes I–III (with girls from neighboring schools)
- Winter Musical: Open to boys in Classes I–IV (with girls from neighboring schools)
- Spring Night of Scenes: Open to boys in Classes I–VI (with girls from neighboring schools)
- Student Production: In some years, based on interest and ability, a senior will initiate and direct a production in the spring.
The centerpiece of the Roxbury Latin Dramatics program is the 300-seat Robert P. and Salua J.A. Smith Theater, a well-appointed facility with fly and trap capabilities, an optional orchestra pit, and excellent acoustics for student voices. Our students fill all onstage roles and execute much of the technical work—especially set construction and lighting design—under the guidance of guest artists, working professionals in the Boston area.
In the 2023–2024 year, the Fall Play was The Play That Goes Wrong, by Henry Lewis, Jonathan Sayer, and Henry Shields. The Winter Musical was The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, with lyrics by William Finn, book written by Rachel Sheinkin, and conceived by Rebecca Feldman, with additional material by Jay Reiss. In the spring, the Junior Play was the Susan Nanus adaptation of Norton Juster’s classic book The Phantom Tollbooth. Roxbury Latin performers were joined across the year by students from The Winsor School, Newton Country Day School, Montrose School, Ursuline Academy, and The Rivers School.
Taking as its motto “Think globally, act locally,” RL’s Environmentally Concerned Organization of Students (ECOS) works to raise awareness about environmental issues and to reduce the impact that RL has on the environment. Students who are involved in ECOS support the school’s recycling efforts by emptying recycling bins across campus and by organizing the collection and composting of RL’s food waste. ECOS also promotes stewardship of the RL forest by hosting events in the fall and spring to clear trails and clean up trash. In addition to these ongoing efforts, each year ECOS focuses on a few specific initiatives to reduce RL’s ecological footprint. These have included raising money through concession sales at school plays to support the purchase of a new bike rack on campus; providing eco-friendly, reusable water bottles for the entire school to cut down on plastic waste; collecting textiles for recycling; and initiating a Paper Challenge to reduce paper use across the school.
人类栖息地组织(Habitat for Humanity
在模拟联合国(MUN)中,男生与来自全国各地许多其他公立和独立学校的学生一起参加会议。每个学校在联合国的各种决策机构中代表一个或多个成员国,每个参与者扮演一个外交 "代表 "的角色。为了准备这些模拟,每个男孩必须研究他的国家和它在国际社会中的作用,他的委员会议程上的问题,以及联合国的程序、能力和限制。在会议期间,代表们就每个议程项目阐述自己国家的政策,并寻求与其他国家的代表达成共识,以落实这一政策。在几天的辩论和政治谈判中,代表们共同制定并通过关于核裁军、经济合作与发展、保护全球环境、制止毒品贩运的国际努力等议题的决议。
The Glee Club is open by audition to boys in Classes I-IV. It rehearses during the academic day and performs several concerts during the school year—occasionally with girls’ choral groups and with orchestral accompaniment. The Glee Club repertoire includes a selection of sacred music, folk songs, musical theater pieces, and traditional songs for men’s chorus. Each year the Glee Club collaborates with a girls’ chorus to perform a major choral work. Recent performances have included Bach, Cantata No. 4; Fauré, Requiem; Rutter, Gloria; Mozart, Coronation Mass; Brahms, Requiem; Bernstein, Mass; Schubert, Mass in G; Thompson, Frostiana; Mozart, Requiem; and Vivaldi, Gloria. The Glee Club also makes a spring tour—most recently to Italy; Nashville and Memphis, Tennessee; Austria and the Czech Republic; Los Angeles; Washington, D.C., and Virginia; and Puerto Rico. Nearly 100 boys participate in the Glee Club.
The Latonics, made up of about 15 singers selected from the Glee Club, perform challenging a cappella music including madrigals, motets, folk songs, spirituals, and contemporary popular songs, often in original arrangements by group members. They rehearse twice a week after athletics practice and maintain an extensive performance schedule. Over the years, the Latonics have produced 11 albums.
基金会 少年合唱团对五至六年级的男生开放,通过试镜。其曲目包括三部曲和四部曲,有伴奏和无伴奏两种。 无伴奏合唱.少年合唱团每星期排练一次。它在12月和4月的合唱团音乐会上进行表演。
爵士乐队、 室内乐团 和吉他组合 是为那些在乐器演奏方面表现出色的男孩提供的。这些乐团的组成根据学生的天赋和兴趣而变化。爵士乐队、室内乐团和吉他组合每周在体育训练后排练一次,并在学年内表演几次。爵士乐队的曲目包括从大乐队标准到蓝调、放克和摇滚融合。爵士组合从爵士乐队中抽调,表演更具挑战性的曲目。吉他组合的曲目扎根于经典摇滚乐传统。此外,通过室内乐项目,器乐演奏家们在一些伟大的古典曲目中得到了组合和指导。
学生们制作三种学校出版物。 三联书店是学校的报纸,每年出版五期。在高级编辑的领导下,来自各班的学生收集新闻,拍摄照片,并撰写文章。编辑们负责内容和版面。 论坛这是一份文学和艺术杂志,每年出版两次。它包括短篇小说、诗歌、摄影和各班学生的艺术作品。它也是由学生设计和编辑的。每年年底,高年级学生都会出版一本年鉴,其内容包括当年的照片和文章,以及该班学生在罗克斯伯里拉丁学校的生涯传奇。 这些出版物反映了我们学生的友情、创造活力和热情幽默的特点。
与其他学校活动一样。 三联报》、《年鉴》。 和 论坛和其他学校活动一样,《三联书店》、《年鉴》和《论坛》依靠并享受着来自各方面的学生的广泛支持。通常情况下,除了广泛的出版职责外,编辑们还是校队运动员、合唱团和模拟联合国的成员,以及学校戏剧的主要演员。我们相信,我们的学生出版物从具有如此广泛兴趣的男孩所带来的宽广视角中汲取力量。除了通过写作和编辑获得的新闻经验外,从事学校出版物工作的男孩也有机会学习现代电子排版和设计以及数码摄影技术。所有三个学生出版物都是使用Adobe Photoshop和InDesign桌面出版软件制作的。然而,不需要也不期望学生事先了解这些程序,学生在工作中学习。
The Robotics Team meets from mid-fall through early-spring and aligns itself with VEX Robotics, a national and international competitive robotics organization. During the past several seasons, our student-led teams of boys in Class IV through Class I have designed, built, and coded robots that have regularly qualified for the VEX Southern New England Championship and the World Championship, typically hosted in Dallas, Texas. Boys in Class VI and Class V meet weekly throughout the fall and winter for a guided introduction to VEX Robotics.