自学校成立以来,学校的使命是培养男孩 "领导和服务"。在整个一年中,男孩们承诺并自愿花时间以多种方式为他人服务。


Concern for others, one of the school’s paramount values, must by its very nature be voluntary. We strongly encourage students to participate in school-wide, class-by-class, and individual service programs, and the overwhelming majority of students do so. Each class selects student community service representatives who, with help from faculty and staff, coordinate service projects for the year. Each year, Class VI boys make regular visits to St. Theresa’s School down the hill to interact with preschoolers. In recent years, the class has also participated in Boston’s Winter Walk, raising dollars and awareness in support of the homeless. Class V boys support hunger initiatives by working at a local food bank and participating in the Walk for Hunger, to raise money for Project Bread. Class IV visits the elderly at the Deutsches Altenheim twice a month, collaborating on special, seasonal projects for residents throughout the year. Class III boys work at Haley House, an organization serving the homeless and low-income residents of Boston. Each month, the boys plan, shop for food, cook, and serve a Sunday lunch for elderly guests. Members of Class II devote many hours to preparing meals with Community Servings in Jamaica Plain, meals that are sent out to various food kitchens. Six Saturday mornings throughout the school year, seniors prepared and served breakfast for the residents of Pine Street Inn residential shelter in Jamaica Plain. Seniors also regularly visit the Perkins School for the Blind, planning and taking part in various activities with visually-impaired students throughout the year. Also, through the school’s Ave Atque Vale Society, boys in the senior class serve as pallbearers at graveside services for homeless or indigent men and women who have no family to bury them. Roxbury Latin boys have assisted at nearly 100 funerals over recent years.

除了这些班级项目外,每年还有几个全校性项目。去年,整个学校社区共同开展筹款活动,为 "人类药品 "组织筹款。我们还筹集资金为博茨瓦纳的Maru-a-Pula学校提供孤儿奖学金。人类栖息地的RL分会在一年中的几个周末帮助波士顿家庭建造房屋。学生们最近参加了一个全校性的 "为每个孩子准备一张床 "的项目,为整个马萨诸塞州有需要的儿童组装了78张床。每年,技术辅导将老年公民带到学校的计算机实验室,每周与学生志愿者进行一对一的辅导,帮助他们了解互联网的神奇。每个校级运动队也承诺提供与某项运动相关的一天服务。 

