我们努力帮助我们的孩子实现经典的格言 m在身体里的健康-在一个健全的身体里有一个健全的头脑。



Roxbury Latin的体育活动

罗克斯伯里拉丁学校的体育项目致力于实现古典格言mens sana in corpore sano--健全的身体里有一个健全的头脑。我们的使命与学校的基本价值观和指导原则密切相关。该部门几乎全部由教职员工组成,提倡追求卓越,培养忠诚和良好的体育精神、毅力和应变能力。游戏、练习和所有其他团队活动都是学术日工作的延续;我们希望我们的孩子们能付出最大的努力,与队友合作愉快,提高他们的技能,磨练他们的贡献,当然还有在这个过程中找到乐趣。作为一所小型学校,我们希望我们的学生成为通才,而不是专家,在体育方面和其他方面都是如此。因此,我们不鼓励学生将罗克斯伯里拉丁学校的体育活动视为磨练自己的 "职业前 "技能或为下一阶段的竞争提供证书的一种自我服务。尽管我们每年都有几名毕业生继续参加大学水平的体育活动,但我们要求我们的运动员放下个人愿望和个人野心,为更大的社区服务。为了使我们的队伍具有竞争力,我们需要大量学生的参与和投入,当我们最好的运动员是 "多人 "而不是 "单人 "时,我们就能享受到最稳定的竞争成功。我们的低年级球队和我们的校队一样重要,我们 "培养 "我们自己的运动员。


Varsity Wrestling Heads To New England Prep Wrestling Championship Following Impressive Graves-Kelsey Tournament Performance 

Roxbury Latin’s Varsity Wrestling team, led by Dr. Art Beauregard, hopes to continue a winning season as they head into the New England Prep Wrestling Championship this weekend. Casey Chiang (III), Everett Bluman (V), Luke Kern (III), Charlie Holt (III), Zach Lim (IV), Navid Hodjat (II), David Comander (III), Michael DiLallo (II), Justin Lim (I), […]


RL Varsity Teams Sweep on Winter Family Night

RL Winter Family Night on January 24 ended in a clean sweep for Varsity Hockey, Wrestling, and Basketball, as well as the Junior Hockey and JV Basketball teams! Hundreds of Roxbury Latin family, friends, and fans came to cheer on all the teams competing at home. Varsity Wrestling began the evening by taking on Boston […]



Roxbury Latin’s Varsity and JV Cross Country teams have won or been runners-up in seven of the last eight New England Preparatory School Athletic Council Division II Cross Country Championships. This year, both teams secured another victory, with RL boys placing first and securing several other top spots in the races, clinching the coveted New […]


Varsity Tennis Wins 2024 ISL and New England Championships

On May 17, Roxbury Latin Varsity Tennis won its final regular season match against St. Mark’s School, completing an undefeated ISL season (15-0) for the second year in a row and winning its ninth ISL title since 2011. Eric Zhu ’24, Eric Diop ’24 (Captain), Jiho Lee ’24 (Captain), Lucas Vander Elst ’24, Cole Oberg ’25, […]


