
VEX Success!

Roxbury Latin’s VEX Robotics team found great success at the VEX Southern New England Regional Championship over the weekend. RL had five teams in competition (out of 80 qualifying teams in total), with three Class I teams, a Class III team, and a combined Class V & IV team. All three of the Class I […]

A Rousing and Memorable Exelauno Day

On March 3, Roxbury Latin students and teachers gathered in Rousmaniere Hall to celebrate a tradition that is distinctly RL: Exelauno Day dates back more than 130 years, when Classics master Clarence Willard Gleason inaugurated a celebration of the Classics, in which Greek students would be exempted from homework. Today, the event allows for the […]

RL Presents The Little Prince, This Year’s Junior Play

Each winter, RL’s youngest, budding actors and crew—from Class VI through Class IV—come together for the production of the annual Junior Play. On February 24 and 25, The Little Prince—by Rick Cummings and John Scoullar, adapted from the beloved book by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry—filled the Smith Theater, bringing the classic tale to vivid life. The […]

Journalist Bret Stephens Shares His Life Lessons

On February 14, famed New York Times journalist Bret Stephens spoke with students, faculty, and guests in Rousmaniere Hall about his life and work. Mr. Stephens—one of the premiere conservative journalists of our time—has been an Op-Ed columnist for The New York Times since 2017, after a long career with The Wall Street Journal, where […]

RL Places Second in Graves-Kelsey ISL Championship Tournament

On February 11, Roxbury Latin’s wrestlers headed to BB&N in Cambridge to compete in this winter’s Graves-Kelsey Tournament—the Independent School League wrestling championships, named for long-time and legendary coaches Bert Kelsey of Roxbury Latin, and Gibby Graves of Buckingham Browne & Nichols. Earning an impressive second finish overall in a field of 13 teams (falling […]

Headmaster Kerry Brennan Announces Retirement at End of 2023-2024 School Year

Headmaster Kerry Brennan—Roxbury Latin’s 11th headmaster, having served since 2004—has just announced his decision to retire at the conclusion of the 2023–2024 school year.  After communicating his decision to the Board of Trustees during its meeting yesterday afternoon, Mr. Brennan made his announcement to the faculty, staff, and students at the start of the school […]


经过全面和高度竞争的面试过程,埃里克-朱(二)被卡内基音乐厅的威尔音乐学院邀请加入美国国家青年交响乐团(NYO-USA)。作为NYO-USA的成员,埃里克将有幸与来自世界各地的最有才华的年轻音乐家一起演奏[...] 。


1月31日,获奖的景观建筑师凯特-奥夫(Kate Orff)--SCAPE的创始负责人和合伙人--发表了RL的年度怀纳讲座。这个系列讲座是由1943级的Jerry Wyner和他的妹妹Elizabeth Wyner Mark建立的,是对他们1912级的父亲Rudolph Wyner的一个活的纪念。学校很荣幸地邀请到杰里'43和[...]

Roxbury Latin欢迎爵士四重奏The Late Risers的到来

在一月份一个寒冷、灰暗的日子里,罗克斯伯里拉丁学校的学生、教师和工作人员受到了当地爵士乐四重奏The Late Risers的阳光和欢快的表演,这是很恰当的,他们被描述为 "相当于蓝天和灿烂阳光的音乐"。The Late Risers乐队在2014年起步,[...] 。


感谢所有参加1月20日RL冬季家庭聚会的人!尽管天气寒冷,但仍有数百名Roxbury Latin的家人、朋友和球迷来到现场,为三支校队和JV篮球队加油。尽管天气寒冷,但仍有数百名Roxbury Latin的家人、朋友和球迷来到现场,为三支校队和低年级篮球队的比赛加油。摔跤队在当晚开始对阵列克星敦基督教学院,他们[...] 。