


The school provides a comprehensive and generous financial aid program, focused on reaching out to families from a variety of socioeconomic backgrounds, and meeting 100% of a student’s demonstrated need. Thirty-eight percent of students receive financial assistance, and aid awards this year range from $1,000 to $39,050. Further, the school makes every effort to ensure that each boy can participate in activities that complement the program, such as school trips, by awarding additional financial assistance.

The following is a summary of financial aid awards, by income range, granted in 2023-2024:

Summary of Financial Aid Awards: 2023-2024

家庭收入 家庭数量 家庭平均捐款
75,000美元或以下 9 $355
$75,001 - $150,000 20 $7,260
$150,001 - $250,000 43 $10,260
超过250,000美元 44 $20,308

