A Escola Latina de Roxbury atrai um corpo estudantil notável pela sua capacidade académica e pela sua diversidade, e um corpo docente e pessoal excepcionalmente dedicado. Os estudantes, professores e funcionários da escola vêm de toda a cidade de Boston e de muitas das cidades circundantes.

Carreiras na Roxbury Latin

O tamanho do Roxbury Latin de cerca de 300 rapazes e 70 adultos significa que desfrutamos de uma comunidade íntima. Todos nós - estudantes, professores e funcionários - conhecemo-nos bem uns aos outros, e trabalhamos em cooperação. Os adultos e os rapazes aqui esperam muito de si próprios e uns dos outros, e as recompensas desse empreendimento colectivo são ricas, e muitas. Roxbury Latin oferece os melhores salários e benefícios ao seu corpo docente e ao seu pessoal. Além de compensar honrosamente o seu corpo docente e o seu pessoal, a escola oferece uma gama de benefícios, incluindo cobertura de seguro abrangente (incluindo seguro de saúde fornecido pela Cigna) e planos de reforma; tempo livre pago generoso; oportunidades de desenvolvimento profissional robustas e abrangentes, tanto dentro como fora do campus; almoço oferecido todos os dias; e a utilização plena das instalações de fitness do campus. Roxbury Latin é facilmente acessível através de transportes públicos.

Um empregador de igualdade de oportunidades, a escola é totalmente empenhados em atrair, reter e desenvolver os empregados mais qualificados, sem consideração da sua raça, sexo, cor, idade, nação de origem, orientação sexual, deficiência, ou qualquer outra característica protegida por lei.

Aberturas actuais

If you have interest in working at Roxbury Latin, feel free to send a resume and letter of interest to Assistant Head of School for Program, Bryan Dunn, at bryan.dunn@roxburylatin.org at any time.

  • Director of Counseling

    The Roxbury Latin School seeks to appoint a full-time Director of Counseling. Beginning in August 2025, the successful candidate will have experience working with adolescents and a desire to be an integral part of a school community. This position includes opportunities for working with students in drop-in and short-term consultation and psychotherapy sessions; developing programming for students, faculty, and families; managing psycho-educational testing for students; and helping to coordinate educational accommodations for students with learning differences and non-traditional learning styles. Additional opportunities may be available for teaching, coaching, or facilitating student clubs and activities. A background in clinical psychology or school psychology is preferred (Psy.D or Ph.D.); other counseling and mental health qualifications and experience will also be considered.

    Specific responsibilities include:

    • Work with the school’s leadership team, consulting psychologist, and school nurse regarding issues of adolescent emotional and physical health, especially where they intersect with boys’ learning.
    • Provide leadership in a comprehensive approach to the school’s Health and Wellness curriculum, including working with the dean of students, school nurse, and others to develop and lead social-emotional and wellness programming for students, families, and faculty/staff.
    • Be available for student counseling and psychotherapy in drop-in and short-term capacities; support families in various ways; and help faculty and staff access mental health resources.
    • Coordinate psycho-educational testing for students and their families; interpret the findings and work with the school’s leadership team, dean of academics, director of academic support, class deans, and faculty/staff to provide appropriate accommodations that support the learning needs of all students.
    • Supplement the school’s robust advising program through faculty professional development, educational initiatives on special topics, and consultations.
    • Be involved in the life of the school through coaching, facilitating student activities, and/or teaching.

    An independent day school for 300 boys in grades 7-12, Roxbury Latin was founded in 1645 and is located in the West Roxbury neighborhood of Boston. The school attracts a student body noted for its academic ability and its diversity, and it offers top salaries and benefits to its faculty and staff. An equal opportunity employer, the school is fully committed to attracting, retaining, and developing the most qualified employees without regard to their race, gender, color, age, nation of origin, sexual orientation, disability, or any other characteristic protected by law. Qualified applicants should send a letter of interest and a résumé to Dr. Bryan Dunn, Assistant Head of School for Program via email at bryan.dunn@roxburylatin.org.

  • Penn Teaching Fellowship 2025-2026

    The Roxbury Latin School will appoint two Penn Teaching Fellows (starting in June) for the 2025-2026 school year in any of the following areas: Arts, Classics, English, History, Math, Modern Languages (French or Spanish), Science, or STEM. The two-year program enables Fellows to earn an M.S.Ed. from the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia while gaining real world, hands-on experience at The Roxbury Latin School in Boston. With the guidance of faculty mentors, Penn Fellows teach up to two classes in their first year at Roxbury Latin and are involved in two seasons of coaching a team sport or the equivalent in advising an extracurricular activity. Fellows benefit from the coaching of a veteran teacher and a range of unique professional development experiences. They also participate in regular seminars dedicated to the exploration of critical issues in education. For more information about the program, please visit Independent School Teaching Residency | Penn GSE

    Uma escola diurna independente para 300 rapazes dos graus 7-12, Roxbury Latin foi fundada em 1645 e está localizada no bairro de Roxbury Ocidental de Boston, onde atrai um corpo estudantil notável pela sua capacidade académica e pela sua diversidade. Empregadora de igualdade de oportunidades, a escola está totalmente empenhada em atrair, reter e desenvolver os funcionários mais qualificados, independentemente da sua raça, sexo, cor, idade, nação de origem, orientação sexual, deficiência, ou qualquer outra característica protegida por lei. 

    Qualified applicants should send a letter of interest, résumé, undergraduate transcript to Chris Brown, Co-Director of the Penn Program at chris.brown@roxburylatin.org.