Mantendo uma admissão completamente cega, a Roxbury Latin está empenhada em tornar uma educação acessível a todos os estudantes admitidos, independentemente da necessidade financeira.


The tuition for 2023-2024 is $39,250. There are no other charges, except that each boy must provide himself with the necessary books and a few personal athletic supplies. Income from the school’s endowment and contributions to the school’s Annual Fund help keep tuition far below other independent school tuitions and more affordable for all families. (Roxbury Latin’s tuition is about 65% of that of other Boston-area independent schools.)

Ajuda financeira

Roxbury Latin is committed to making an education affordable to all admitted students regardless of financial need. In fact, the tuition charged in 2022-2023 represented less than 57 percent of the total cost of a boy’s education. Roxbury Latin provides a comprehensive and generous financial aid program, focused on reaching out to families from a variety of socioeconomic backgrounds. Thirty-eight percent of students receive financial assistance. All Roxbury Latin financial aid is based exclusively on need; the school does not offer any merit based awards or student loans. Financial aid awards this year range from $1,000 to $39,050. Further, the school makes every effort to ensure that each boy can participate in activities that complement the program, such as school trips, by awarding additional financial assistance. The following is a summary of financial aid awards, by income range, granted in 2023-2024:

Summary of Financial Aid Awards: 2023-2024

Rendimento familiar Número de Famílias Contribuição média das famílias
$75.000 ou Menos 9 $355
$75,001 – $150,000 20 $7,260
$150,001 – $250,000 43 $10,260
Mais de $250.000 44 $20,308

Roxbury Latin uses the Clarity financial aid platform to evaluate and process financial aid applications. Based on the information you provide, Clarity calculates an estimated amount your family can contribute toward educational expenses. Every financial aid application is reviewed by the school’s Financial Aid Committee, and aid is awarded on an individual basis. Families are also eligible to apply for financial assistance for travel opportunities and other additional programs offered by the school. Parents will be asked to complete an additional application form.

Ferramenta de Perfil de Ajuda Financeira

Como candidatar-se a ajuda financeira

Parents can complete the Clarity financial aid application online beginning on September 1, 2023. Financial aid application materials are included in the admission information packet. Here you can find more information about applying for financial aid at Roxbury Latin.

For prospective families, the financial aid application deadline is January 15, 2024. For returning families the deadline is December 15, 2023.

Opções do Plano de Pagamento de Propinas

Roxbury Latin offers its families three methods of payment through Blackbaud Tuition:

  • Um pagamento: Pagamento na totalidade até 1 de Junho.
  • Dois Pagamentos: Primeiro pagamento a efectuar até 1 de Junho, segundo pagamento a efectuar até 1 de Janeiro.
  • Dez pagamentos: De 1 de Maio a 1 de Fevereiro.