College Matriculations 2020-2024
Below you will find a list of colleges at which our students matriculated over the last five years. We are committed to helping each individual student make the best possible match. Given our diverse student body, we take immense pride in the ever-expanding range and scope of the colleges Roxbury Latin students attend.
School (#) | School (#) |
American University (1) | Princeton University (6) |
Amherst College (2) | Providence College (1) |
Assumption University (1) | Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (1) |
Babson College (3) | Roger Williams University (1) |
Bates College (3) | Salve Regina University (1) |
Baylor University (1) | Santa Clara University (1) |
Boston College (9) | Seattle University (1) |
Boston University (3) | Skidmore College (1) |
Bowdoin College (5) | Southern Methodist University (1) |
Brandeis University (2) | Stonehill College (1) |
Brown University (16) | Syracuse University (2) |
California Poly, SLO (1) | Trinity College (3) |
Case Western Reserve (1) | Tufts University (16) |
Colby College (6) | Tulane University (2) |
Colgate University (1) | Union College (4) |
College of the Holy Cross (7) | University of Arizona (1) |
College of William and Mary (2) | University of California, Los Angeles (1) |
Columbia University (2) | University of Chicago (3) |
Cornell University (5) | University of Massachusetts, Amherst (7) |
Dartmouth University (7) | University of Massachusetts, Boston (1) |
Davidson College (1) | University of Miami (1) |
Dickinson College (1) | University of North Carolina, Wilmington (1) |
Durham University (1 | University of Notre Dame (3) |
Emory University (1) | University of Pennsylvania (2) |
George Washington University (1) | University of Rochester (1) |
Georgetown University (19) | University of San Diego (2) |
Hamilton College (1) | University of Southern California (2) |
Harvard College (33) | University of Vermont (1) |
Haverford College (1) | University of Virginia (1) |
Howard University (2) | University of Wisconsin (2) |
Johns Hopkins (2) | Vanderbilt University (2) |
Marist College (1) | Wake Forest University (4) |
Marquette University (1) | Washington University in St. Louis (1) |
Middlebury College (3) | Wesleyan University (4) |
MIT (2) | Wheaton College, IL (1) |
New York University (2) | Wheaton College, MA (1) |
Northeastern University (2) | Williams College (2) |
Northwestern University (4) | Worcester Polytechnic Institute (2) |
Oberlin College (2) | Yale University (10) |
Olin College of Engineering (1) |